Food on the Web

Cooking Links
There are many many cooking sites and blogs on the web. These are a few that I like. I put Rouxbe first because my students have had great success there. I recommend you try a few sites to find one whose recipes are at your skill level and work for you. Another way to get recipes is is to type “recipe chocolate cake” into your browser. The only problem with this is that you get so many recipes that it is hard to tell which are good. So, click on the name below and the link will appear. If a link is dead or you try out some recipes, successfully or not, let me know. Likewise, if you have a site that should be included.
Cooking Schools and Education
Rouxbe is an online cooking school. Much of it is behind the pay-wall, but they do have many free video recipes. These show only the hands doing the work, and you can watch things over until you understand. This allows the student to learn (and succeed at a higher level) They also have one free video lesson a week.
Kitchen Myths Liked it better before the book came out when everything was up for free. But hey, got to make a living, right? And there is still some fun reading there.
Exploratorium Cooking The Science of Cooking
Start Cooking I haven't explored this much but it looks like you can get free beginning cooking lessons by email or in a podcast format. If someone checks this out, give me a report, please.
Conversion Chart Great for metric system conversion.
Joy of Baking has many video recipes.
Betty Crocker for baking
Mike's Amazing Cakes is for all you bakers.
The Fresh Loaf King Arthur Flour
Cooking Bread
A Little of Everything
101 Cookbooks Healthy eating recipes including a nice vegetarian section.
FoodGawker. Beautiful Pictures of food. Many Recipes.
This is The Joy of Cooking website.
Pinch My Salt
Recipezaar Has everything, some recipes are better than others.
Sunset Magazine A little of everything.
Good Housekeeping A little of everything
Taste Spotting Recipes and beautiful pictures of food compiled from food blogs around the web.
America's Test Kitchen TV You can watch the current season here. I like their newer recipes, they are simple and work.
Zesty Cook Random Recipes and Cooking Technique Tips
LA Times A little bit of
Gourmet and High Style
Epicurious This has recipes from about four or five gourmet magazines. Some are advanced and some use exotic ingredients.
Bon Appetit Many of these are difficult and have exotic ingredients. Cutting edge trends and coverage.
Gourmet Many of these are difficult and have exotic ingredients. Cutting edge trends and coverage.
Ethnic and Regional
As you can see, I need to expand this section. Suggestions welcome.
Italian Food Forever Beyond red sauce.
Category All Their Own
Cook's Illustrated A very rich site, but everything is behind the pay-wall. Many recipes seem to have extra steps and complications in the quest for perfection, though they have gotten better in that regard lately. Two week free trial is possible. I did that and learned a ton.
Food Porn Daily. Torture if you're hungry. Click on the picture and see an endless line of photos of luscious food. Food photography anyone?
Chow Covering the foodie scene
Gourmet and High Style
Epicurious This has recipes from about four or five gourmet magazines. Some are advanced and some use exotic ingredients.
Bon Appetit Many of these are difficult and have exotic ingredients. Cutting edge trends and coverage.
Gourmet Many of these are difficult and have exotic ingredients. Cutting edge trends and coverage.
Ethnic and Regional
As you can see, I need to expand this section. Suggestions welcome.
Italian Food Forever Beyond red sauce.
Category All Their Own
Cook's Illustrated A very rich site, but everything is behind the pay-wall. Many recipes seem to have extra steps and complications in the quest for perfection, though they have gotten better in that regard lately. Two week free trial is possible. I did that and learned a ton.
Food Porn Daily. Torture if you're hungry. Click on the picture and see an endless line of photos of luscious food. Food photography anyone?
Chow Covering the foodie scene