First Year Culinary Arts Rules and Grading
Culinary Arts I is an introduction to cooking and to the foodservice industry. It will introduce students to basic skills useful in both the professional and family kitchen. It is also, of necessity, a production course. We will need to be, in part, a self-supporting program, selling some of the food we prepare. This will require students to have a “professional” attitude and mature behavior. They must understand that their work affects both others in the class and our customers. Strict adherence to the rules is necessary for both the learning environment and the health and safety of others. There will be extensive book work, writing and study involved in this class.
Basic Rules Students must obey all sanitation rules and guidelines. Everyone’s health depends on this. Students may not cook or handle food until they pass the sanitation test.
All kitchen utensils must be handled with the safety of others in mind and should be used for their intended purpose only. Violations of this rule may result in dismissal from the class. Unwise use of kitchen utensils may also result in injury to the student or others. Students may not cook or handle food until they pass the safety test.
Only students assigned to a kitchen area may be in that area. It is off limits to all others.
All kitchen areas must be cleaned and inspected before anyone assigned to that area may leave the room. This may run into lunchtime. Clean as you go. Think ahead.
There are no toys in this room. Do not play with either equipment or food.
Students assigned to book or observation work must stay in the classroom area, in your seats.
Link to Grading Rubric for Culinary Lab and Kitchen Rules
Other Classroom Rules
Cheating Of course, all forms of cheating are prohibited, including plagiarism. In cases of copying, I consider the person who allows someone to cheat as guilty as the person who does the cheating. Both will receive the same consequences: a zero on the assignment, a conference with your parents, and a referral.
Grades Class-work and minor assignments will be graded on check in basis. - Is worth 10 points, (a check) is worth 15 points, + is worth 20 points. Major assignments will be worth 100 to 200 points. 90% is an “A”, 80% a “B”, 70% a “C” and 60% a “D”? Less than 60% is an “F”. Late work will be docked 10% per day (one full grade) up to 50%. Because we are production class, some late work may be given a zero, with no opportunity for make-up. Like a business, we count on you to come through in a timely manner.
In this class, attitude is vitally important. Much of your grade for any given assignment will be based on your attitude and professionalism.
Also, of necessity because of kitchen space, much of your work will be done in groups. I will try to individualize grades as much as possible, according to the following rubric.
Culinary Arts I is an introduction to cooking and to the foodservice industry. It will introduce students to basic skills useful in both the professional and family kitchen. It is also, of necessity, a production course. We will need to be, in part, a self-supporting program, selling some of the food we prepare. This will require students to have a “professional” attitude and mature behavior. They must understand that their work affects both others in the class and our customers. Strict adherence to the rules is necessary for both the learning environment and the health and safety of others. There will be extensive book work, writing and study involved in this class.
Basic Rules Students must obey all sanitation rules and guidelines. Everyone’s health depends on this. Students may not cook or handle food until they pass the sanitation test.
All kitchen utensils must be handled with the safety of others in mind and should be used for their intended purpose only. Violations of this rule may result in dismissal from the class. Unwise use of kitchen utensils may also result in injury to the student or others. Students may not cook or handle food until they pass the safety test.
Only students assigned to a kitchen area may be in that area. It is off limits to all others.
All kitchen areas must be cleaned and inspected before anyone assigned to that area may leave the room. This may run into lunchtime. Clean as you go. Think ahead.
There are no toys in this room. Do not play with either equipment or food.
Students assigned to book or observation work must stay in the classroom area, in your seats.
Link to Grading Rubric for Culinary Lab and Kitchen Rules
Other Classroom Rules
- Maintain a positive attitude and be courteous. No put downs.
- Do not interrupt teaching or learning.
- Respect school property and the property of others.
- Bring necessary materials to class – paper, pencil and pen, notebook and books.
- No eating or drinking (water ok).
- No hats allowed in class, but hats are okay in the kitchen.
- Electronic devices cannot interrupt teaching or learning and may be confiscated if misused.
- You are responsible for obtaining make-up work for excused absences. In some cases, it is not possible to make up work that requires student presence and participation.
- You have as many days to make up assignments as you are absent. You may not interrupt class time to obtain make-up work. See me either before or after class/school.
- Students should be seated and prepared to work when the tardy bell rings and must remain seated until the dismissal bell.
- If I am absent, you are expected to behave perfectly. A substitute teacher is to be considered a guest in our room and treated accordingly.
Cheating Of course, all forms of cheating are prohibited, including plagiarism. In cases of copying, I consider the person who allows someone to cheat as guilty as the person who does the cheating. Both will receive the same consequences: a zero on the assignment, a conference with your parents, and a referral.
Grades Class-work and minor assignments will be graded on check in basis. - Is worth 10 points, (a check) is worth 15 points, + is worth 20 points. Major assignments will be worth 100 to 200 points. 90% is an “A”, 80% a “B”, 70% a “C” and 60% a “D”? Less than 60% is an “F”. Late work will be docked 10% per day (one full grade) up to 50%. Because we are production class, some late work may be given a zero, with no opportunity for make-up. Like a business, we count on you to come through in a timely manner.
In this class, attitude is vitally important. Much of your grade for any given assignment will be based on your attitude and professionalism.
Also, of necessity because of kitchen space, much of your work will be done in groups. I will try to individualize grades as much as possible, according to the following rubric.